We don't just point the way, we're with you at every step

For over 20 years we’ve been working with people to plan, manage and protect what they love.

We're here to provide you with top-notch, trustworthy independent advice, recommending products and services solely for your benefit while guiding you to manage your wealth effectively.​


From the very beginning, our goal has been to understand clients better and break the link between selling financial products and providing advice. We have over 20 years' experience of financial wellbeing.

We offer a one-stop-shop for financial guidance, covering everything from mortgages to solid info on investments and pensions, all presented in a simple, jargon-free way by a truly independent organisation.


We know that there are almost infinite routes financial planning can take. We present your options based on our years of experience and knowledge but, most importantly take into account your circumstances and what is the best option for you.

We are Realistic

Down to earth

We build relationships with you based on the whole picture, from your circumstances to your plans for your future and what you “want”. This gives us the whole picture to give you realistic advice.

We are Knowledgeable

Years of experience

We’ve got a wealth of knowledge which allows us to ensure that the advice we give you is both considered and effective. With so many options available it is important to know them all to give the right direction.


We see beyond today

We know that things change. The world we live in is ever-changing, and so is the financial landscape, so it is vital that our experience allows us to help you navigate any change that may occur in the future.


To unlock financial futures, relationships are key. We think beyond merely selling products to realise that every decision has a relationship to your life and financial future.

We are Integral

Part of the bigger picture

We know that your finances are part of a wider picture, but they are a vital element. We look at all the factors to give you the best advice possible to allow you to have the life you imagine.

We act Respectfully

The feeling is mutual

We believe that respect works both ways. The respect that we have for our clients is part of our core philosophy and rest assured we only give advice with your best interest at its core.

Trusted Partners

We know this is earned

Trust is an earned status and takes time to accrue. We foster trusted relationships by acting with integrity and honesty at every touchpoint.








Guiding your financial journey

We offer a range of services to set your financial wellness on the right path, but the first step of the journey is getting to know you. 


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Basepoint, Oakfield Close, Tewkesbury Business Park, Tewkesbury, GL20 8SD

Ruby Financial is a trading name of Advice 4U Financial Planning Ltd who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and our FCA Registration Number is 671527. Company number 13597103

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